MENU.EXE erlaubt es Menüs in Batch-Dateien zu verwenden die genau wie Portfolio´s eingebaute Applikationen aussehen, besser gesagt, genau so funktionieren, sie verwenden die AES-Routinen (Application-Environment-Services) des BIOS Int 60h.

B.J. Gleason (Author von PBasic) schrieb dieses Programm in 1992, ein Artikel darüber ist in der Mai/Juni-Ausgabe von ATARI Explorer erschienen.

program batmenu;
{       this program is invoked from the command line:
             menu title item1 item2 .... itemN
        You can then choose one of the items.  The program will
        set the DOS variable ERRORLEVEL, so that you can then
        perform an action in a BATCH file with the statement:
             IF ERRORLEVEL=2 GOTO PROG2:
        returns 0 if escape is pressed, otherwise the item number
        the menu will be automatically centered on the screen.
        Written by BJ Gleason
        Copyright 1992, BJ Gleason
uses dos;
   menus : string;
   l,x,y : integer;
   regs : registers;
     { read the parameters from the command line }
     { add them to the menu string }
     menus := '';
     l := 0;
     for x:=1 to paramcount do
         menus := menus + paramstr(x) + chr(0);
         if length(paramstr(x))>l then l:=length(paramstr(x));
     menus := menus + chr(0);
     for x:=1 to length(menus) do
       if menus[x]='_' then menus[x] := ' ';
     { now call the internal ROM BIOS Menu functions }
     regs.ah := $0f; := 65; := 0; := 0;
     if l<36 then x:=(40-(l+4)) div 2 else x:=0;
     if paramcount<6 then y:=(8-(paramcount+1)) div 2 else y:=0;
     regs.dh := y;
     regs.dl := x;
     regs.ds := seg(menus); := ofs(menus)+1;
     regs.di := $0ffff;
     intr($60, regs);
     halt( and $0ff);